Can iBeacons connect you to your customers?

Erik Koster

Dr Erik Koster will explain various applications for beacon technology. He will demonstrate the value of knowing physically where your customers are and how to guide them (offline and online) in a meaningful way, that generates increased revenue for your business. By combining known data about your customers with the data from beacons, businesses are able to get a clearer picture of their customers and build meaningful interactions to enchant them.Potential applications include: Loyalty program’s (Either leisure or retail verticals) Fan Relationship Management (Football clubs) Hospitality and much more.

As a technology entrepreneur, Erik Koster found multiple technology companies in The Netherlands. Focussing on practical use of technology in marketing contexts, Erik has been a creative link between technology and artistic applications.With extensive experience ranging from 3D (building) projection, augmented reality, geo-location and gaming, Erik Koster strives to apply technology in distinct ways that are fun to its target-audience.